The Facts About Laser Hair Removal

If you are considering laser hair removal but are feeling unsure about the process, allow us to explain just how laser hair removal works.

The Facts About Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a remarkably safe and (mostly) painless method of hair removal that’s been around since 1997. The process has evolved considerably since then, but the way it works has remained the same; lasers emit wavelengths of light that are absorbed by the pigments in hair. If the hair is coarse, or if the surrounding skin is lighter than the pigment of the hair, the pigment in the hair will better absorb the heat from the laser, thereby destroying the hair follicle. In order to prevent burning of the surrounding skin during laser treatments, the laser produces a narrow bandwidth, which concentrates the laser on the hair.

Both men and women utilize laser hair removal treatments for the permanent reduction of hair to all areas of the body. Facial hair removal usually requires more frequent treatments (about 6 weeks apart) whereas legs and back need less frequent treatments (closer to 8 weeks apart). Spacing treatments no more than 12 weeks apart allows adequate time to target hair on most body areas.

Visit our Services page to learn more about our laser hair removal treatments.

Laser Smooth Company is proud to perform hair removal for all individuals, in all areas of the body. We are located in Gresham, Oregon. Our clinic features the LightSheer Duet, the newest and most innovative laser hair removal system. Call Laser Smooth Company Today for a Free Consultation!