The Best Advice From A Korean Skin Care Expert

Posted by brainjmedia03 on Friday, May 18, 2018

Laser Smooth Company_The Best Advice From A Korean Skin Care Expert

Dubbed K-Beauty by American beauty bloggers, Korean skincare has fascinated the skincare obsessed with simple routines featuring multiple steps to achieve an ageless glow. What we find most fascinating, however, is that the cultural divide closes pretty fast when it comes to common sense skin, and in truth, self-care as a whole.

A typical a.m routine involves these steps:

 1: Rinse face with water — and only water

2: Toner

3: Essence (a hybrid between a toner and a serum)

4: Ampoule (ampoules target specific skin care concerns)

5: Serum (serums target wrinkles, dark spots, and dehydration)

6: Eye cream (it’s important to keep this area hydrated and protected)

7: Moisturiser

8: Sunscreen

A simplified version of this routine might look something more like this:

 1: Water Rinse

2: Toner

3: Serum/Ampoule

4: Eye Cream

5: Moisturiser with SPF

Regardless of your morning routine, or your country of origin, the basic tenants of skincare remain the same; hydrate often, eat well and get plenty of exercise to achieve luminous healthy skin.

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