3 Super Easy DIY Facial Masks For Supple Fall Skin

Posted by brainjmedia03 on Monday, October 2, 2017

Laser Smooth Company_3 Super Easy DIY Facial Masks For Supple Fall Skin

When fall announces itself by immediately drying out your skin while simultaneously demanding layers of thick clothing cover every inch of it, there are a few tricks you can employ to make sure your skin balances all the temperature chaos it sustains. Many of the best facial treatments can be constructed with products found in our own pantries. Relax with one of these super luxurious DIY facials you can easily try at home.

Italian Honey Cake Facial—This potion lavishly moisturizes, exfoliates and brightens your skin with one part olive oil, one part baking soda and one-half part honey. The olive oil leaves your skin supple, the baking soda is an excellent exfoliator and the honey lifts and tightens, leaving your skin refreshed and relaxed.

Strawberry Parfa-cial—Mix one part dry oats with one part plain yogurt. Smash three large strawberries with a fork and blend them into the oat/yogurt mixture. Drizzle with honey and blend. Strawberries boast heroic levels of vitamin C and salicylic acid which, when combined with oats, acts as a mild exfoliant, perfect for dry skin. Plain yogurt soothes and moisturizes your skin and honey reduces redness and inflammation, lifting and brightening your skin.

Papaya Skin Brightener— The simple formula of half a papaya (seeds removed!) and honey is the solution to many skin issues. Papaya is full of beta-carotene, papain enzyme, and phytochemicals that hydrate, plump, lift, tighten and reduce the appearance of blemishes and scars.

For more fall skincare tips and tricks check out our blog.

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